
Friday, January 20, 2012

I came and I conquered!!!!

Okay let's face it, if everyone was a carpenter or if everyone had mass quantities of money or if everything in the world was free, all our houses would be organized and pretty or cluttered as all get out. In my case, if I had mad carpentry skills and the equipment needed, I would build some AWESOME organizers, shelves and the like, problem, I have tried and I suck. Next if I could afford buying the "perfect pantry" from The Container Store it would cost me roughly $663 without the shelves. Soooooo, yeah, I am NOT paying that much. Over the last few months I have been buying containers here and there. Most of them have been the same type since I want it to be pretty. Although I still need more containers, that way all of them are the exact same, I think I'm okay with it.... Well for right now. So what did I do? About a year and a half ago I tried placing everything in cardboard boxes and labeling them, well between Husband Doodle and my little helpers things have gotten out of hand. See?

A lot of the things we had were either brand new or had such a small amount we should have tossed it awhile ago. Did somethings go bad? Yes. Did I fall for the free items, cheap items and promotional ones? Yes. So after getting rid of these items I have made a new rule: I DO NOT buy anything we don't already know and love. Don't get me wrong, it is wonderful to try new things but I won't buy any new products unless I have sampled it because I do not want this mess to happen again. So for a grand total of $138.72 I bought 12 plastic bins all of them came with lids but I couldn't use lids on some of the containers, 3 sets of different plastic ware, 6 cereal bins and 1 can organizer. I do still need a spice rack and I bought a dry erase board and attached it to the door and wrote everything we had and how much we had so I can keep track of all this fun stuff. I also need to label things but that will have to wait until A) my label-er reappears or B) I buy the ones for my printer. You ready to see the beauty of an organized pantry Ronnie-style? 

Very bottom of the pantry: Cans, sugar, tomato soup, left bin is the snack bin, right bin baking supplies. 
The snack bin has snacks already divided and ready to grab. Granola bars, Goldfish crackers, fruit leather, Auntie Annie fruit snacks, just yum yums.

First shelf: Pastas, tomato paste, tomato sauce, enchilada sauce, assorted sauces (aka Manwhich) PB and Jelly.
Second Shelf: Cereals, chips, flours, rice, oatmeal, brown sugar and beans.

Bottom shelf: Left bin: just bread stuff. I hope to start making my own bread soon. Middle bin: Salad dressings, other liquid things like vinegar and oils. Individual containers of chocolate chips, trail mix, nuts. Too the far right more cereal. 
Top shelf: Left bin: can chicken, dried fruit, seasonings. Both white baskets: different spices Right bin: Assorted Asian-y goodness. 

I came. I decluttered. I conquered. 

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