
Friday, February 24, 2012

Playroom to Gym...

So I was talking about my dilemma about the kid's playroom well it was bad. I was cleaning that room a lot. Since I had enough with the mess, cleaning, and the toy breaking that I decided to make it into a home gym. So this is what the play room looks like everyday when the girls go to bed. (Which was really ticking me off.)

So I cleaned it up. I took apart everything that needed to be taken apart, bagged all the toys, threw away all the crayon pieces, and Ta-dah! There is a floor there. Who knew? Yep all those boxes and drawers had labels and pictures to tell the girls what goes inside so the room was easy to clean. 

So what did we add? An exercise bike, a computer desk, my desktop (hopefully I'll be able to fix it soon), and an ottoman to sit on (since we really don't have a desk chair plus the ottoman fits under the desk nicely).
The baskets have Pilates items, weighted vest, resistance bands, wrist and ankle weights, small medicine ball, and a jump rope. Because I am totally going to jump my fat happy butt in an upstairs room. Like I even know how to jump rope. I look like a lead ball trying to skip. We also put in and over the door resistance trainer. We are still deciding if we are going to take the big desk and the computer stuff out and just put the TV and Xbox on the smaller corner desk. Which means I'm still trying to convince J of this idea. I would have taken pictures after we got the Xbox but I think you know what it looks like. I had to convince and lie to my husband to hide the silly thing so he would have known something was up if I didn't take pictures of the "finish product".

 So what's next you ask? I really don't know. I got an armoire for Christmas that I am planning on turning into my sewing/craft storage. I have been buying pieces slowly but surely to organize it. I love seeing them on pinterest and I thought, "I can totally do that!" So will it be my armoire? A sewing project? Another decluttering? Recipes? Who knows. Stay tuned til next time!


  1. holly cow there really was a floor under all that craziness of little girl stuff. it looks better :D though the real question is are you really gonna work out in this room????

  2. Panda! J and I have already worked out in there. I haven't made a schedule but I'm planning too. Also you're just jealous my house rocks hard core!!! :P Miss you!
